Monday, May 21, 2007

The End...or Not.

Following up on my last blog, the eighth grade won field day. Oh well my class still has one more middle school year to win so there is no hard feelings, we at least tried our best.Today we started our exams. I think I scored high on the history and math exams. Tomorrow I have English and science exams. Of all, science will probably be the hardest. But I have studied hard and feel I will do well. Wednesday, about 7:30, my science class will go to Skidaway Island for three days, returning on Friday. I’m looking forward to it though packing is a pain. It will be like class on vacation. It’s a cool way to end the year. June the 4th is our last day of school, and the sweetest day of the school year. It’s the end of the year, all assignments turned in, all work done. A job well done, in my opinion.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Field Day

Friday, tomorrow, middle school is having field day. My class has never, ever won and most people are so discouraged that they think it’s impossible to win field day. The grade above us usually wins with the exception of this year’s sixth grade. There are many events including pyramid, lifesaver relay, potato pass, bat spin, egg toss, and a lot others. One event that my class has been practicing thoroughly is the pyramid. I am one of the base people. Chance is to my left, Jamie to my right. Ryan is on top to my right and Kristin to the left. Once when we practicing Ryan jumped on to the pyramid without any regard to the base. All the pounds and the strain of the shock of his landing unstabled the base enough that when the last person got on, the whole thing collapsed. After a couple days of practicing the seventh grade is hopefully about to win. If not we will have next year. ;-)

Friday, May 4, 2007


Every week I work for pay and usually get twenty dollars. Most of the time I spend it on a couple books then save the rest. Right now I can’t get enough of murder mysteries. At the moment I’m reading “The Cat Who Talked Turkey.” My mother introduced the series to me and they’re a very good despite the fact that the names are so odd. Actually in English class we are reading a novel called “I am the Cheese.” Mrs. Chapman said that the book has two journeys, one of mind and the other of body. We started it just yesterday so we have only gotten to the four or fifth chapter but “I am the Cheese” seems promising. A similar book to this would be series by Isobelle Carmody called “The Obernewtyn Chronicles.” Elspeth, the main character, goes on a journey of mind and body; her fate entwined with the destiny of humans and animals alike.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Would Be Stressed

In English the whole class has to read together a book called "Killing Mr. Griffin." The guy who came up with the plan, Mark Kinney, seems to be some kind of weird guy who enjoys the pain of others. Susan, the main character, can't deal with stress of being in with a murder. It looks as if any day now she'll fall apart and report everything to the police. Poor Susan she has so much strain and stress to handle I'm glad that that's not me. Today we ended at a part that a complete break off and it's killing me to read the rest of the book all the way to the end. I'd do that except that Mrs. Chapman, my English teacher and remarkably like Griffin, would be rather displeased. I have seen the movie but it was that was a long time ago and I can't remember much of it. I know for sure though that it doesn't end the best it might have.
I'm glad I keep a written diary in which I put all of my " need to remember happenings" in because if I didn't, I would either burst or spill my guts to the world like a raving madman. Of course it's easy for me to have something like that or just a secret because I might be good at poker if I tried.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's Over!!!!

We are done with our nine-weeks exams and it is time for spring break!! Yes! But what am I going to do? Where am I going to go? Those are two very important questions that need answering ASAP. My grandmother is going to keep me half a day Friday along with my sister and her best buddy. Then I am to a friend's house that night to watch movies. My mother has plans to take a couple of days off next week to send time with my sister HopeAnna and me. We are going to bathe horses, pressure wash the house, make the dog a new bed, and just chill out. Another pair of grandparents is going to take HopeAnna and me to the Blue Ridge Mountains for a day. The Saturday right before Easter is when my grandparents that live in Panama City Beach, Florida will come up to visit. And sometime during spring holidays, I will have to do my music video that is to be turned into my English teacher Mrs. Chapman on the second week in April. Yea, back to school.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


This week at my school the first through the eighth grades took the ITBS test the 19th-21st. It was not as bad as I thought it could have been. I was a little slow at the math section but the social studies was the hardest, they did not test me on anything I have studied in Georgia history witch we learn in the seventh grade. They quizzed me on the history of other countries such as France, Germany, China, Japan, and others.
This year promises to be a hot, dry year. Unfortunately my family and I have chosen this year to fill old catfish pond up with water. We are also planting a raised bed garden. The garden will be forty by twenty-four feet and the beds made of six by sixes. There will be paths between beds and many kinds of vegetables to picked.
P.S. Loading the timbers onto the trailer was hard work because they were so heavy. There were easier to get off though.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Next week we will be taking the ITBS on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Tuesday I will go to the track meet at Heritage. My sister (who is 7 by the way but acts like she's 9) is going to have a soccer match next Saturday while I am at Science Olympiad.

Friday, March 9, 2007


In English class we saw the movie The One Who Remembered. It was so sad. I don't know what I would have done. When I think about it I guess I would have tried to have escaped. If I didn't make it I would have tried to survive but for all my imagination I'm glad that I wasn't born there or in that time period.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Heart Breaking

Today we saw the end of "If Cried You Died" in English class. It was very sad. It told us about how thousands of people died in death camps in Poland. Able bodied men went one way, the women, children, and old people went the other. Families usually never saw each other again. And if you cried you died.