Friday, May 4, 2007


Every week I work for pay and usually get twenty dollars. Most of the time I spend it on a couple books then save the rest. Right now I can’t get enough of murder mysteries. At the moment I’m reading “The Cat Who Talked Turkey.” My mother introduced the series to me and they’re a very good despite the fact that the names are so odd. Actually in English class we are reading a novel called “I am the Cheese.” Mrs. Chapman said that the book has two journeys, one of mind and the other of body. We started it just yesterday so we have only gotten to the four or fifth chapter but “I am the Cheese” seems promising. A similar book to this would be series by Isobelle Carmody called “The Obernewtyn Chronicles.” Elspeth, the main character, goes on a journey of mind and body; her fate entwined with the destiny of humans and animals alike.

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