Monday, May 21, 2007

The End...or Not.

Following up on my last blog, the eighth grade won field day. Oh well my class still has one more middle school year to win so there is no hard feelings, we at least tried our best.Today we started our exams. I think I scored high on the history and math exams. Tomorrow I have English and science exams. Of all, science will probably be the hardest. But I have studied hard and feel I will do well. Wednesday, about 7:30, my science class will go to Skidaway Island for three days, returning on Friday. I’m looking forward to it though packing is a pain. It will be like class on vacation. It’s a cool way to end the year. June the 4th is our last day of school, and the sweetest day of the school year. It’s the end of the year, all assignments turned in, all work done. A job well done, in my opinion.